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The Bits and Pieces That Make Me: A Campaigner for Secular Humanism
Christopher C. Bell Jr., Ed.D. releases autobiography Book urges Christians to stop “Jesus worshipping,” adopt humanistic values

CLINTON, Md. – Christopher C. Bell Jr., Ed.D. aka Kwasi Ankoanno Asanti has recently released his autobiography, “The Bits and Pieces That Make Me” (published by Authors Press Inc). Bell writes about his growing up in the 1930s -1950s in Norfolk, Virginia. He focuses on his slow religious journey from Baptist, to Muslim, to becoming a campaigning humanist who now urges all Christians who are Jesus worshippers (not Jesus followers) to stop such worship and adopt humanistic values as a way of life. Bell explains that “Jesus worshipping“ is really idolatrous “white male worshipping” that (a) is self-oppressive, self-denigrating, and injurious to black people’s mental and emotional health, (b) promotes a sense of white superiority and racism in white people, and (c) prevents black and white people from viewing each other as equals .

In his autobiography, Bell explains that humanism is the only philosophy for living available to Americans that will psychologically allow white people to degrade and end white racism and psychologically allow black people to gain authentic self-respect.

“The Bits and Pieces That Make Me”
By Christopher C. Bell Jr.
Softcover | 8.5 x 11in | 94 pages | ISBN 9781503513624
E-Book | 94 pages | ISBN 9781503513617
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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